
Unmanaged Assets

Paper, files, emails or chats cannot be auto-inherited. It is worse when paper and files are not organized, emails are perpetually logged-in and their password forgotten, and chats become too heavy and distributed. One of the biggest human problems globally is maintaining data. Use riddlock for offline access of existing asset information.

offline offline offline

Offline First

We believe your asset information is crucial and must be accessible at all times even when there is no internet connectivity. You may be off-grid in a basement, inside an elevator or in the wild-life somewhere remote. Or you may be well connected but need to access your data quickly for an urgent need. In either case, our offline-first feature will get you the data from your device without going to the server each time. This will also reduce your online exposure because 90% of the times we simply need existing data.

Data Security

Your offline data will be stored encrypted in your device. It will be accessible only when you enter your private key to login. We use IndexedDB to store your data and Web Cryptography to encrypt it. These are browser-controlled technologies and leading industry standards, used globally for frontend data security on user devices. The data encryption key is never exposed to users.

Multiple Devices

You may access your data from any number of devices, laptop or computer. So long as you do not update, the same data will be available in all. If you have a new device, all you need to do is install the riddlock app and login and your data will auto-reconcile in it. To discontinue using a device, simply uninstall the app and your data will auto-remove.

Loss of Device

If your device is broken or lost at any time, your data stored in it will stay encrypted and secure as before. For anyone to access it, they will need to know your private key. This is one of the reasons we urge our users to create complex private keys for login and change it periodically as well. This is an important action for both offline and online.

Online Update Only

Riddlock is designed in such a way that users do not have a need to go online majority of the time. Instead, go online if you have to update your data, have connected data which may have been updated by others, or to inherit an account. Offline by default and online for updates will enhance your privacy and minimize online exposure and associated risks.