Private Connects

Asset Information

A big reason for unclaimed assets is lack of information with family. If asset details are shared in advance, it can help them in life even before actual inheritance. For example, you may be travelling and they need funds urgently for an emergency. Use private connects in riddlock to share asset information in times of need.

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Trusted Users

Connect your asset data with trusted users to give them access to its historical data timeline. You may want to connect your passwords and bank or health information with family, your work history with a friend or business details with an associate. Connect as co-edit or readonly for as long as you want. What you do not connect will remain private with you.

External Professionals

Connect with external professionals and experts who may not have an account in riddlock. Connect tax details with a consultant or your medical history with a physician. External users will get a link to your datasheet with a password and readonly access. They will be able to view your data and give their comments. You can connect with any number of external professionals as the need arises.

No Sub-Connects

Only the data owner can connect with internal or external users. When you connect a data item, the connected users cannot further sub-connect it with others. This will give you total control over who is connected to your data at any given time. No sub-connects is an important feature to ensure social privacy.

Access Control

Not only do you control the access to your data, you can also dictate the type of access. You may choose to give co-edit access to some trusted users and readonly to others. Co-edit access will allow users to add new data, else not. However, no connected user will be able to edit or delete your data or the data added by other users. You can also change the access of any user any time.

Disconnect & Block

You can disconnect any internal or external user connected to your data when you want. Additionally, you can block a user from future connects. If a user is blocked, they will not be able to connect their data with you as well. Disconnect and block features are meant to give you additional control over your privacy in riddlock.

Share Handle

Your share handle is your only public identity in riddlock. If you do not create one, nobody can see or connect with you, and you can remain totally private. Even when you create your share handle, it will not be displayed to other users by default. They have to know it in order to connect. We urge our users to create a share handle that does not disclose their identity.