
Store, connect and inherit asset data in total privacy

Consolidating asset information, private connects with family and inheritance can ensure your assets do not go unclaimed.


Store information about your real-life assets like passwords, funds, loans, stocks, insurances, property and more. Consolidate data and documents scattered on paper, emails, files and apps.

Why do I need to maintain asset information?

Information about your assets is the key to your real-life assets. Without it, your loved ones will struggle, first to get the information, and then to claim the assets. Emergencies like Covid-19, a war, geo-political turmoil or a personal crisis may make you inaccessible or incapacitated. In times like these, if your family has access to your passwords, bank accounts and other important information, it will help them sustain.

What kind of asset information should I store?

Your passwords, information about your bank, funds and insurances are some examples. It is up to each of us what we consider crucial for us and our families. Riddlock has defined asset categories and the option to add our own custom category.

How safe will my data be?

Riddlock keeps all user data encrypted such that even we cannot read it in the backend. Your data is encrypted in your device, on the network and in the backend. It can be decrypted only with your private key and riddles.

How does offline access of my data help?

People mostly access existing data without the need to edit it each time. Offline access is faster because it does not go to the server to fetch your data. It also ensures access when you have no internet connectivity.

Where is my data stored offline?

Riddlock uses the W3C standard "IndexedDB" database to store your data in your device. We also use the W3C standard "Web Cryptography" to encrypt it. When you add new data, it is stored encrypted both in our server and your device. After that your access automatically defaults to offline for that data.

What happens if I change my device?

If offline data is not found on your device, it is fetched from the server the first time. This happens incrementally as you access each data item.

What happens if I use multiple devices?

As you login from a device, your data will automatically get reconciled on that device. You may use a desktop, tab or mobile interchangeably if you like.

What happens if my device is stolen?

Your offline data is stored encrypted in your device and can be opened only with your private key. If you device is stolen or lost, the data stays encrypted.


Your assets may be lost or forgotten if your family is not aware or informed. This is the primary reason why unclaimed assets exist in every country. Use inheritance to ensure your asset information is passed on. Choose a trusted family member as your inheritor.

Why do I need inheritance?

If you have a partner, spouse, children, parents or dependents, information about your assets could help them survive through difficult times in your absence. For example, your spouse may need access to your bank account in an emergency when you are not in a state to access it yourself.

Won't I lose my asset by opting for inheritance?

Ownership of assets involves a legal process. In asset data inheritance, you are simply giving access to information about it. This access is temporary till the time you do not re-login.

Who should be my inheritor?

Choose a trusted person, like your partner, spouse, child, parent, sibling or a friend. Trust is crucial in inheritance. You may change your inheritor any time.

Can my inheritor change my data?

Yes. The inheritor will be like a "power of attorney" with full data access and edit rights like you. They can however not change your inheritance settings, personal riddles or account settings.

How will inheritance be triggered?

Let's say you have set 10 days as your inactivity period. If you do not login for 10 days, your inheritance will auto-trigger. When your inheritor logs in, your data will be displayed.

How can I stop inheritance?

If your inheritance is already triggered, it will auto-reset when you login the next time. Otherwise too, you can change your inheritor or the inactivity days any time, and even terminate the inheritance completely.

What happens if my inheritor is inactive too?

Data inheritance will work in a tree-structure. It will move from one inheritor to the next automatically. If your inheritor has also gone inactive, their inheritance will get triggered similarly. When this happens, your and your inheritor's data will both show to the next inheritor, and so on.
Let's say Sam and Mary are parents to Nysa. Sam's inheritor is Mary and Mary's inheritor is Nysa. If Sam goes inactive, Mary will see his data in her account. If Mary also goes inactive, Nysa will see both Sam and Mary's data.
In this manner, we aim to achieve zero data loss for our users, from one generation to the next.

How can inheritance fail?

The only way inheritance may fail is when your inheritor goes inactive and does not have an inheritor of their own. Your data will then remain unclaimed until your inheritor or you re-login.

Can I do partial inheritance?

If you want to share some of your data and not all, use our private connects feature. Connect a data item with any user you trust.

Private Connects

A crisis may strike any time and it helps if one's family is prepared. Connect important asset data privately with your spouse, partner, child, parent or a trusted user. This will allow them to handle urgent needs and emergencies in case you are unable.

Why do I need private connects?

Private connects allow you to share important asset information with trusted users on a continuous basis. For example, you may connect one or more passwords with your spouse for both of you to access it when needed. This means your spouse will have access even though your inheritor is someone else or your inheritance has not yet triggered.

Can connected users change my data?

If you have given co-edit access to a connected user, they can edit the data and add new files. If they have readonly access, they can simply view the data.

What rights will I have if I have connected by data?

You will continue to be the owner of your data. You can add, edit and delete any data. You can change a connected user's access and even revoke it.

What if I don't want a connected user any more?

Simply disconnect the data you have connected with that user.

What if I don't want to connect at all?

Privacy in riddlock keeps all users hidden by default. If you do not want to connect at all, simply don't create your share handle. Even if you do, your share handle will not be automatically displayed to other users. Without knowing your share handle, nobody will be able to connect with you, and vice versa.

How is private connects different from inheritance?

Inheritance is passing full access of all your data to your inheritor when you become inactive, but not otherwise. Private connects is connecting a user to specific data items even when you are active.

Total Privacy

Stay anonymous, encrypted and private. Total privacy in riddlock, as a combination of user privacy, data privacy and social privacy, is meant to ensure your asset information is seen only by you. Even riddlock cannot see your data it in the backend.

Why do I need privacy?

Information about your assets is as important as the assets themselves. Exposure may lead to identity or data theft by malicious people. Privacy ensures you and your data are protected even from riddlock.

What does being anonymous mean?

You can be identified by your name, unique identifier like a social security number, email id, mobile number or by a combination of profile data like gender, date of birth, location, device id and so on. These are defined as "personally identifiable information". You can be anonymous only if no such information is taken or tracked in the apps and online services you use.

How does riddlock ensure my anonymity?

Riddlock never asks for any personally identifiable information, at the time of signup or later, and it has no cookies or other means to track you, not even Google Analytics.

What does total privacy mean?

Privacy is riddlock is a combination of user, data and social privacy. User privacy is delivered through user anonymity, no cookies, no tracking and features that are private by default and by design. For data privacy, riddlock uses multi-layered encryption such that even we cannot read your data in the backend. To ensure social privacy, riddlock keeps all users private by default. Their share handle is the only public identifier for other users to connect. If a user does not create a share handle, nobody can see them. If they have created one, it is displayed only to those they have connected with before.

Does riddlock use cookies to track users?

Riddlock has no cookies or other means to track users. It does not even use Google Analytics.

How does riddlock ensure data security?

Riddlock uses a set of security measures at the frontend, network and server. IndexedDB, Web Cryptography and Content Security Policy (CSP) are at the frontend. For network security, we use SSL and encryption to transmit and receive data between your device and the server. In the backend, we use AES 256, public-private keys, vault keys and a host of encryption to keep your data secure.