Why riddlock

Forgotten Assets

Millions lie unclaimed in bank accounts, stocks, pension funds and insurances in India, just like in other countries. Claiming an asset is easy if one knows it exists. People mostly do not share asset information with family. It is also important that we share privately. Get zero-loss inheritance and total privacy in riddlock.

why why why

No Identity Theft

We never ask for your name, identity, profile, gender, date of birth, email, mobile, contacts or any personally identifiable information. We do not track your device or location. We do not use cookies or analytics for any personal data. We offer total privacy.

Total Data Privacy

We encrypt your data such that even we cannot read it in the backend. Your data is uniquely encrypted using your private key, personal riddles and system-generated vault key, connect key and public-private keys as per leading industry-standards. This makes encryption unique for every user.

Zero Data Loss

Our data inheritance feature ensures zero data loss for you and your family. Your data can flow through generations, cascading from one inheritor to the next, in a tree-structure, as and when inheritance gets triggered for each. It is like property inheritance going from one inheritor to the next.

User Controlled

Inheritance in riddlock can be both temporary and permanent. It is auto-triggered if you do not login for the number of inactive days set by you. It gets auto-reset when you re-login. One may be down with a medical emergency for an extended period. In such cases, your family will get auto-access to your data for the time you are absent.

Life, and after

Sharing asset information with your loved ones need not wait for inheritance. You can use private connects to share passwords, financial and health information or other data any time. This will give real-time access to your family in case they need it urgently and you are out or inaccessible.


Riddlock is safe for all age groups. Our age-group rating is 4+ in and 3+ in . This means riddlock is appropriate for almost all age groups. Subscribing your entire family will bring you maximum benefits. You can privately connect specific items with each of them, as well as choose an inheritor for your entire data.